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Smith Brothers Delivery

Smith brothers farms provides milk delivery two houses in the northwest. All around Seattle from Arlington down to Olympia and out on the Kitsap peninsula Smith brothers farms has delivered for 100 years. Even in apartment complexes you can get Smith brothers delivery they opened up apartment complexes in 2019. In 1920 Smith brothers farm started delivering milk to customer doorstep now they have developed into the northwest largest grocery delivery service, providing dairy products and other grocery items to over 50,000 households in the greater Seattle area. When you log in to your Smith brothers farms account you were able to adjust orders at anytime. Your cut off is always noon the day before delivery. You have up until that time to add or take away or skip as needed Smith brothers farms will deliver any order over $25. This is really such a great deal because most of the delivery services require $99 order to provide delivery. Because smith brothers has so many customers in a small area, their delivery costs are so much lower than most delivery services.

When looking for the best milk in the northwest look no further than Smith brothers farms. Smith brothers has used a low temp pasteurization philosophy for several decades. This gives you a much better tasting milk product than what you will find in the store has all the milk in the store is at high temp pasteurization. The other reason to use Smith brothers is that most of the dairies in Washington are up north around Lynden and they don’t deliver to your doorstep. They also have glass bottles with deposits making the transaction much more complicated.

Smith brothers added many more grocery items in the 1990s and early 2000s. Offering some of the best options of groceries in all of the northwest Smith brothers has quickly become a powerhouse in deliveries. The cool thing about Smith brothers is their offering of almost exclusively northwest grown at northwest produced products. All of their chicken comes from a northwest producer. All of their dairy products are their own all of their bread is from Dave’s which is a northwest company. This is a really cool factor that you don’t see very often with delivery services. Usually the delivery services want to just become a grocery store on wheels. For smith brothers they have focused on their dairy products but added other grocery items strategically this gives the customer a great local experience.

The other very cool aspect about Smith brothers is their delivery drivers. Each driver has a specific route and this allows the customers to get to know their specific driver. Just like with the schwan’s man you have someone dedicated and devoted to your route. We have come across many dozens of people who have had the same delivery driver for decades. When you have a driver that has delivered your house several 100 times it allows you the type of service that is needed because they see that you aren’t home they might be able to tuck the delivery in a different spot or if they see an animal nearby they’ll make sure that it’s in your box.

Smith brothers has always provided the milk box on the door this insulated box has allowed them to add their other grocery items with ease. Whether is it is a refrigerated or frozen items when you have an insulated box it allows you to green on more products without having to think about the logistics. The Smith brothers farms milk boxes are and iconic feature in homes around Seattle. We have seen numerous times where the Smith brothers box is used as porch decoration even when someone isn’t getting deliveries still. Although Smith brothers farms is a powerhouse when it comes to milk delivery they don’t have beef or pork coming directly from a northwest farm. For farm fresh meat services it would be wise to look at farm fresh northwest. Their family has been raising cattle and pigs for over 100 years and provide delivery in small quantity to customer doorstep just like Smith brothers. Where Smith Brothers Farms is lacking in their local meat selection farm fresh northwest picks up where they left off. They don’t offer milk delivery but they have become the go to source for beef pork and chicken in Seattle and all of Washington. All of the animals are raised on pasture being grass fed and grain finished. This provides the greatest tasting meat that the northwest has to offer. Farm fresh northwest does not offer milk delivery and they also don’t offer grocery delivery, this is where Smith brothers can be a great compliment to your farm fresh northwest delivery. Smith brothers farms can provide your dairy products bread and other grocery needs and farm fresh northwest can provide all of your meat and protein needs.

Smith brothers is a great option for young families that need milk and don’t have a lot of time to get to the grocery store or if you just are tired of fighting traffic to get to the grocery store. With weekly delivery it is super convenient to log in add whatever you need to your cart and it will be in your front porch box the next day. Joining over 50,000 households in the greater Seattle area Smith brothers farms welcomes you with open arms and hopes you have the greatest delivery experience possible. Remember to tell your friends and family about your Smith brothers experience so they can log in and have the joy of delicious dairy and grocery items delivered to their doorstep. Smith brothers is here to serve you for the next 100 years as well. We are committed to local support and being a local company that will provide all your grocery needs. We have also expanded into Portland OR to provide you the great service and delivery option. We purchased alpenrose and operate in Portland under that brand name. Thank you for trusting spirit brothers farms to deliver to your porch for over 100 years.

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Dry Aged & Grass Fed Beef | Why it is Different

When looking for the best grass fed beef In Washington state there are many things you should think about. Sourcing from the correct farm will make all the difference. You should look for a farm that has been raising cattle for at least a decade. Those that are new to raising grass fed beef won’t always have the expertise in raising and ensuring your product is going to taste delicious. Farm fresh northwest provides the highest quality and best tasting grass fed beef in all of Washington state. Whether you are in Seattle Tacoma Gig Harbor Everett Spokane Vancouver Bellingham or anywhere in between, farm fresh northwest will deliver grass fed beef directly to your door. Branches that are raised grass fed beef for many decades had the expertise to make sure the finished beef product is going to taste delicious.

A key factor in creating the best flavor of beef is how long it is dry aged. This requires the rancher to have a great relationship with the butcher. Most of the butchers in western Washington will not hang the carcass for more than a few days some will go 7 to 10 days but won’t go any further than that. The longer the carcass hangs the longer all the meat is dry aged. If you hang the carcass for 14 days that means all the cuts hamburger, roasts, steaks, brisket and every other cut is dry aged. Farm fresh northwest has a great relationship with many butchers in Eastern Washington that will actually age 14 to 21 days. Having dry aged beef will change your life. Many people want dry aged steaks delivered to their door near Seattle or anywhere else in Washington state. When you can combine grass fed beef being dry aged and delivered this is the best combination in all of the land.

Dry aged steaks are usually only available at high end steakhouses. When you can find dry aged steaks directly from a farm and cook them in your own home for half the price or less than the steakhouse it will change your life. Butcher shops in Seattle also do not provide dry aged steaks, you have to find farm fresh northwest in order to get dry aged steaks delivered to your doorstep. When you combine healthy grass fed beef with a butcher that will dry age it is a beautiful combination. You can sleep well knowing that your beef is grown the correct way, also knowing that the animals are treated correctly can the farm is sustainable. Small local farms provide the best quality beef because there is more attention put into each animal.

The aspects of dry aging that are critical to creating the best tasting steak in Seattle WA are as follows; the dry aging impacts the flavor of the beef. This is the most important aspect. The longer you age the beef the more time for enzymes to breakdown which causes the beef to be more tender and the more moisture loss you have which drastically changes the flavor. When you lose this much your weight the flavor concentrates and you get the true flavor of beef every single bite is melting in your mouth because it’s more tender then a non aged counterpart. But the flavor difference is incredible, that moisture loss concentrating the flavor gives you the true flavor of beef. This is a lost aren’t and unfortunately our society has become used to needing rubs and sauces to add flavor when our true beef actually has and is packed with tons of flavor. With the enzyme breakdown the longer you go the more it gives time for those proteins to break down. This actually makes the beef easier digest on your body. If you find 50 day dry age beef it will be incredibly tender and easy to choose but after about 21 to 28 days sometimes the flavors can be overpowering. It’s crucial to find a dry aged steak or dry aged beef that is enough to give you flavor but not overpowering. One thing to think about at steakhouses that dry age, they only have steaks that are dry aged. With farm fresh northwest we aren’t only providing dry steaks we are providing dry age roasts, dry aged stew meat, dry aged flanken ribs, dry aged brisket, dry aged ground beef which is incredibly hard to find nowadays. The only way to get dry aged beef cuts beyond steaks is to buy 1/2 or 1/4 beef from a rancher that is using a butcher who hangs the carcass. Beyond that there is no store that sells dry aged ground beef. When you are a member of farm fresh northwest you are in this crucial exclusive club, allowing you to get all your cuts dry aged. Buying grass fed beef in Seattle Washington that is not dry aged is a travesty. But when you find farm fresh northwest it solves all your meat problems.

In summary grass fed beef near Seattle WA isn’t super easy to find a great supplier, but when you do it is well worth the price difference. Make sure to find a rancher that has been raising cattle for many decades. Make sure they are using a butcher that will dry age the beef for at least 14 days. If they hit these basic qualifications you are going to have a great experience. With farm fresh northwest you also get the delivery aspect along with the benefits of dry age and grass fed. Any time you are looking for a butcher shop or farm near Seattle that sells dry aged steaks remember to go to

Beef that is on pasture eating healthy grass, healthy hay, and then is butchered the correct way and has the carcass hung for 14 to 21 days will allow you the best beef quality that is available today. Whether it is black Angus or Wagyu having the beef dry aged will make a great drastic difference. Check out farm fresh northwest for all your beef and pork needs. If you are looking for the best butcher shop around Seattle, go to farm fresh northwest as they are not just a butcher shop but the actual ranchers.

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Organic Beef Washington State

If you want the best organic beef in Washington State, look no further than Farm Fresh NW. Organic beef provides tthe nutrition that your body needs making sure that your family is as healthy as possible. By knowing what is going in your body when you buy Washington State organic beef you’ll want to see and know where your beef is coming from. If you’re getting it from a store most likely the organic beef is coming from large corporate entities. For example a lot of old dairy cows they were providing organic milk end up as the organic ground beef in the grocery stores. This is not the highest quality ground beef. If you’re getting Washington State organic beef from a butcher shop, it also is coming from the large feedlot to the large slaughter houses you will want to find a local rancher that provides organic beef for example. Farm Fresh NW provides organic beef at a reasonable price delivered directly to your doorstep. They have been a family farm for over 100 years home sitting just above the snake river in Eastern Washington in 1900 with pastures that are never sprayed with chemicals. Getting organic beef from Farm Fresh NW in Washington gives you the peace of mind that you need For you and your family to stay healthy when the cows are out on pasture, eating grass every day they are as happy as possible. This allows you to get healthy meat from healthy happy animals. Another major impact that Washington state organic beef has on you is the flavor difference. Having a flavorful meat rather than a bland steak is truly life-changing you never know what you’re going to get when you go to the store the meat could be tough always going to be flavorless, because none of the stores try to each their beef when your beef is dry aged, it gives you the true flavor of organic beef that we had growing up when you go directly to a rancher. You were able to ask questions about their growing practices when you go into a store or butcher shop you really have no idea where that beef came from. A lot of labels get thrown around that are in accurate if you know your manager, you can speak to them directly and have an idea of whether the beef is organic whether it’s pasture raised or dry aged or fed in a feedlot. When searching for a organic beef supplier in Washington State it is always best with a local ranch like Farm Fresh NW. Farm Fresh NW serves Seattle, Washington, Portland, Oregon, and Boise, Idaho with organic grass fed beef to keep families in the northwest strong, healthy and happy. Happy cows make happy meat which makes happy healthy people

Organic beef can be raised in many different states. It takes pasture land, supplemental hay in the winter time if you’re in a cold climate and the knowledge to treat sick animals, help cows when they’re giving birth, if needed, and providing the cows with the minerals and right nutrition that they need. Fencing is also a critical aspect of raising organic beef in Washington. If you don’t have Barbwire or electric fence, the cows can get out which can cause massive problems either from loss if they get hit on the road or if they could wander off and not be able to get back to water. The cows require a lot of water and a lot of feed every day. Skipping these steps can make their health go downhill very fast. If you’re looking for organic beef in Seattle or anywhere in Washington state, do you want to know where that beef came from? You can’t always trust the local butcher shop as they get their meat from large USDA, slaughter houses. A lot of terms get thrown around like organic or like grass fed and aren’t accurate. Make sure you are finding an accurate source in the local rancher to buy your organic beef from, to fill up your freezer with a half or quarter beef or a get a small quantity box or package you can also order certain steaks or individual pounds of ground beef.

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Podcast | Growing Up

Hey, Everyone, welcome to episode 141 of the Camano Voice. Today I speak with the founder of Farm Fresh Northwest, please welcome Mark Latham. Hi, I’m Brandon Erickson and you’re listening to the Camano Voice Podcast, where I interview local business owners, comedians, singers and more. I dive into their backstory to find out how they got where they are, what are some of the tips for you to do the same, and find out where they’re going. Tune in every week as I interview more of the people you speak every day. Hey Islanders and welcome to another episode of the Camano Voice where we release a new episode every Tuesday. How’s your guys’ week going? I don’t remember, I think it was two weeks ago now that I talked about putting myself into shock from a vacuum cleaner. So that was fun. Over this past week, one of our kids we had taken to the ER for rehydration through IV and the other one tried to knock out his front teeth by smashing them into the concrete. So this has been a fun few weeks for me. And so I hope your week is going better. As I record this right now, the sun is trying to shine through. And so I am also hoping that winter is finally over and that we are starting to really turn that corner into summer. So with all that being said, here we go. Anyways, like I said, I hope your guys’ week is going well. So today I’m interviewing Mark Lathim, who is the founder of Farm Fresh Northwest. And if you haven’t heard of them, they are a meat delivery company. They deliver fresh ground, well, ground beef and steaks and all sorts of other meat options directly to your door. And it’s actually delivering meat that their family, not Mark’s family, but his extended family, produce from their own beef and other animals that they slaughter. And it’s just an extremely high quality, delicious meat that you can get delivered straight to your door. So you don’t have to worry about going to the grocery store for it. You don’t have to think about it because I don’t know about you, but for me, a lot of times I will end up going to the, you know, being like, oh, a steak sounds great, or, you know, we want hamburgers tonight. But then you don’t have the meat with you. So then you’ve got to go run to the store and hope that you get good quality and all that stuff. They take care of all that for you because it delivers straight to your door. And throughout this podcast, I was like, I’m getting hungry for a steak. That’s what I was thinking about. So but he goes through kind of what a lot of business owners go through. He talks about this whole evolution of basically working in a day-to-day job and doing that. And then eventually coming to a point where he’s like, I feel like I could do this on my own and do well, so why don’t I do that? And finally kind of hitting that wall of being like, I’m just gonna go out on my own. And so I always find that fascinating, these people that have grown businesses from nothing and turn them into a very successful business, and especially when it comes to great products and good meat. I love meat, so I’m always up for that. So, we get into all of that more, a lot of the business lessons he had to learn along the way, some of the personal growth he had to go through to become who he needed to be to be able to run a business like this, and yeah, and kind of where they’re going from here. So we can do all of that and more. And stay tuned, because at the end of the episode, I will have a promo code that you guys, my listeners, can use to get a discount on your first order. I think that’s how it works. And so be sure to look for that. It’s also gonna be in the show notes, so be sure to look for that. So anyways, without further ado, here’s my conversation with Mark Lathim. Hey, Islanders, and welcome to another episode of the Commandant Voice. Today, I’m here with the founder of Farm Fresh Northwest. Welcome to the podcast, Mark Lathim.

Well, I grew up eastern Washington, about two miles from the Snake River. My family homesteaded there 1900, so we’ve been there a long time. And grew up there, didn’t really know anything different. And, but it was nice. We were a long ways from town, which is unique.

About 25 minutes to where I went to like middle school and high school. Wow. 30 minutes to Tri-Cities where like the grocery stores and stuff were. So it was unique, but it was nice because you have space to roam and ride four wheelers and all that kind of thing. Yeah, Wouldn’t change it for anything.

But you did feel, you know, you kind of feel isolated. You’re not running out of your friends or anything like that.

Way out there. Did you have a lot of friends and stuff that were kind of in that area as well? Well, I mean, yeah, we had friends, but it was like five miles away. It would be like the closest one. So we rode our bikes down there a couple times, but it was usually like having to coordinate to drive, you know, parents driving there or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, so definitely unique compared to what most people, you know, grow up with. But yeah, my grandpa farmed wheat there and it actually went into CRP, which is a preservation program, crop reduction program, back in the 80s when I was two, so I didn’t really get to experience the entire harvest season and all that, but he still had cattle and pigs while I was growing up, so we kind of got that side of farming.Yeah, very cool. And you said, I think on your website it says, the farthest records you guys have is like 1904 that you guys homesteaded there? Yeah, I think, well, I’ll have to check with my dad. I think I put in 1904, I think it might have been 1900. I’m not 100% sure. Okay. But it’s been, I was the sixth generation there. And so I think it was my grandma’s grandparents and possibly their parents that came out originally. That’s crazy. It’s rare to find 100 year old homesteads in this area. Right. Yeah, well, I mean, Washington was only, you know, 1889, so there’s just not that much history here compared to if you go back east. Yeah. Wow, that’s so cool. Awesome. Do you guys have like family stories and stuff like that that you have that’s passed down from generations or? Yeah there is a little bit. I’ve kind of been more curious you know the last few years and asked my grandma questions before she gets you know too old to recall everything but yeah it’s just that you know a lot of the things that they did oh I asked her when they got air conditioning a couple weeks out of the year, and she said that they got it after she got married. So it was like in the early 60s or late 50s. And so all growing up, and I was like, what did you guys do to get out of the, and so she said they would just like sleep under, outside under the tree, or go down into the basement. But people were definitely much tougher back then. I mean, I can’t imagine living in 100 degree weather without any AC to go to. And then they would ride down on the horses. They’d get water out of the river for their animals. And so they would drive down there in the wagon and then they’d jump out in the river to cool down. So stuff we take for granted, you know. Yeah. Is, yeah, it’s pretty amazing how resilient they were to just live in the desert and put up with that. Yep, that’s awesome.

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Seattle Grass Fed Grain Finished Beef | The life of a Cow, birth to harvest.

Seattle Grass Fed Beef

The life of a calf

There are many steps from birth of a calf until they are finished and ready to be harvested for steaks, roast and ground beef. In Seattle, Washington grass fed beef starts early on at conception. Cows gestation is nine months, just like humans. After cows give birth to the calf, the calves are standing within about an hour. Seattle, Washington grass fed beef calves start to milk on their mother within an hour. Usually the cow licks off the calf right after Birth and cleans them up. Once the calf is standing it is able to start nursing from its mom. After the calf is a couple months old he starts eating grass with his mom, but most of its nutrition and growth is still coming from the milk. Cows that are nursing require a lot of water so they can produce the amount of milk that is needed. Grass fed beef cows near Seattle come back in heat about three months after they give birth to the calf, they are then bred by the bulls or artificially insemenated if a rancher is doing specialty cattle. The bull breeds the cow and that cow will then give birth nine months later. The cows have one calf each year and each bull can cover about 20 to 30 cows, so a rancher with 100 cows would have about three to four Bulls. Seattle, Washington grass fed beef start as calves and grow quickly when they are born they are typically 50 to 90 pounds. Many ranchers use what’s called calving ease bulls. These are bulls that produce smaller calves but then also grow at a good pace so the rancher can make decent money after their weaned and they sell them at auction. Most ranchers do not keep Seattle grass fed beef all the way until finished weight, they sell the calves when they are 6 to 9 months old. With Seattle, Washington grass fed beef, some ranchers do finish all or a portion of their calves until finished weight of about 1300 to 1400 pounds live. This takes 16 to 18 months if they are grain finished or about 24 to 30 months if they are grass finished. Once the calves are about six months old, the rancher will wean them from their mom then they will go into a separate pasture. If you are grain finishing grass fed beef in Seattle, Washington, you will introduce them slowly to some silage along with their hay, after a few months, the silage ration increases, slowly and steadily this is called the growing phase. As you get to the finishing phase of Seattle, Washington organic beef you introduce regular grain along with a silage and hay. Some ranchers finish with barley, wheat, oats, triticale and some ranchers finish with corn. Ground corn or rolled corn are the most commonly used and it usually depends on the area in which the cattle are being fed. Some areas have more peas or more oats, or more corn or more barley, so depends on that part of the country that you are in and what crops are produced in that local region. Seattle grass fed beef can be grass finish or grain finished. Grain finished provides a different flavor and makes the cattle finish quicker, grass finish take longer about one year longer than Grain finished. So the rancher is holding on to those cattle longer and also requires more pasture ground because they are eating more grass than a grain finished. In summary, a calf is conceived nine months later it’s born, within a day it’s walking and drinking milk from its mom. The cow is then bred three months later by the bull in the pasture. The cow has another calf the next year, the calf is weaned at about six months, and that calf will start eating more hay and silage typically at that point to help it to start growing a little faster. If it is a grass finished beef, it will most likely graze for the winter and then out on pasture the following year. If it is a grain finished beef, it’ll start eating silage and grass or hay through the remainder of its life. At 16 to 18 months the grain finished Seattle, Washington grass fed beef will be ready to harvest. When it’s ready to harvest, it will go to a butcher shop and be cut and wrap to customer specifications or rancher specifications. If you are looking for Seattle, Washington grass fed beef, make sure to check out Farm Fresh NW they have been ranching for over 100 years in eastern Washington and provide the best quality grass fed beef near Seattle, Washington.

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Grass fed Beef Seattle | What to Look For

Grass fed beef Seattle

When looking for grass fed beef in Seattle Washington, there are many things to consider. Grass fed beef is raised on pasture where the cattle can eat grass and move around freely. Near Seattle, Washington there are many farms with grass fed beef. Some people referred to grass fed beef, as pasture raised or free range. Most of these terms mean the same thing. The advantage to grass fed beef is better omega fatty acids in your diet and knowing what you’re putting in your body. Farm Fresh Northwest provides grass fed beef to their customers through a delivery method. Farm Fresh NW delivers directly to customer doorstep in the Puget Sound area from Bellingham to Olympia, We deliver ourselves. In Oregon, Idaho, and the rest of Washington state Farm Fresh NW delivers grass fed beef through UPS. When you are looking for a grass fed beef farm, the main things you want to search for is how long the farmer has been raising cattle do the cattle get finished with grass only or grain as well. grass fed is an encompassing term if they are grass finished that is different than a grass fed and grain finished animal. Finishing with grain provides more marbling a juicier steak and more tender meat. The flavor profile between grain finished and grass finished is very different the grass finished beef will be a little gamier then the grain finished Seattle Washington beef. When you are able to grain finish the grass fed beef, they will be able to be dry aged for longer. dry aging The beef provides a more tender and flavorful product. grass fed cattle near Seattle Washington are grazing on lush green pastures whether they are in Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, King, Pierce County or Thurston County there is plenty of green grass from all the rainfall we receive. Grass fed beef is one of the most beneficial types of food and meats available getting yourself a healthy source of grass fed beef can provide your body with not only high-quality protein but many of the minerals and vitamins that your body needs to stay strong and fight off disease.

Throughout the northwest and outside Seattle, there are fewer and fewer ranchers raising grass fed beef. Most ranchers have been pushed out by growing subdivisions and have either sold their cattle or moved east of the mountains in Ellensburg, Tri-Cities, Spokane, and surrounding areas. There are a lot of ranches still today , many of the ranches in eastern Washington have been raising cattle for many decades. Farm Fresh NW owner’s family started raising grass fed beef when they homesteaded in 1900 along the snake river. Farm Fresh NW has been delivering grass fed grain finish beef to the greater Seattle Tacoma area for seven years. Their family has been raising beef for over 120 years With experience in raising cattle, there are a lot of small nuances that beginners forget, or don’t understand so much can be gained from experience raising cattle and pasture. There are many things to look for it, such as disease infection, and a few other things that novices wouldn’t catch. With the experience, they are able to keep healthy grass fed cattle all year round in any condition, another thing to consider when looking for grass fed beef delivered around Seattle is finding a ranch that has product all year round and has beef delivered to you without having to go to the ranch itself. The convenience of delivery reduces the time that it takes you to go get Grass fed beef, reduces the time that you need to spend in grocery stores and you know you’re getting it from the direct source from the Direct farm itself, when you’re shopping at a butcher shop many times the grass fed label isn’t accurate. All butcher shops have to get USDA processed beef so most of the beef today is coming from the big slaughter houses and then go to the grocery stores and butcher shops. Butcher shops around Seattle are getting their beef from the large processor in Toppenish for the most part, they could also be getting their beef from large slaughter house near Pasco. It is important to find grass fed beef from a small producer who you know, and have a relationship with that way you know whether hormones are used, or antibiotics and whether the beef is dry aged, grain finished grass finished or grass fed and grain finished. The closer you are to the rancher, the more confident you will have in knowing where your product has come from grass fed beef is the highest quality protein for any diet. You get high quality protein from an animal, that processes with a four chamber stomach eliminating many of the bad things the other animals cannot eliminate. You also get many health benefits from minerals and vitamins within the meat finding a local source is critical especially if you have allergies by eating grass fed beef near you you can help reduce the amount of allergies just like eating local honey the impact of those allergies will be reduced giving you a better quality of life. Grass fed beef is not only for the wealthy, no matter your walk of life what class you’re in what your financial situation is there always local ranchers, able to provide you high-quality grass fed beef at a reasonable cost. Many ranches sell quarter beef half beef or whole beef. There are a few ranchers that sell individual cuts of beef small quantity ground beef, individual steaks or beef packages. It is helpful to find a company or ranch that has beef boxes or beef packages that gives you an opportunity to try out the grass fed beef without committing and having and needing the space to store a quarter beef or half a beef at a time. Farm Fresh NW provides ten pound twelve pound twenty four pound beef boxes delivered right to your doorstep

Remember when getting grass fed beef near Seattle, Washington, that you have many options. Washington ranchers are some of the best ranchers in all of the country if you try Farm Fresh NW grass fed beef, you will not be disappointed. We have thousands of happy customers who have gotten their grass fed beef delivered in Washington state.

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Welcome to Farm Fresh Northwest!

Its simple to be a Farm Fresh Northwest Customer. All you do is select your package, receive your text reminder the day before delivery and set out a cooler at your door!

We handle all the work raising the animals, trying to load up 1500lb animals in a trailer to take to butcher. All the unloading and loading into feeder of 1 ton of pig feed a week by hand. All the sorting of inventory, tracking what cuts you received the last few months and dividing 500lbs of Beef from each steer into 8-16lb packages.

We appreciate your support of our business!