1/2 or 1/4 Beef


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Our Pasture raised, non-gmo fed all Natural Beef in bulk! If you have the freezer space we can do 1/2’s or 1/4’s most any time of the year. For a whole, we charge $5.65/lb on hanging weight, $5.85/lb on a 1/2 and $5.95/lb for a 1/4, and that includes cut & wrap and everything. Send us an email at [email protected] and I will forward you the cutting instructions so you can choose how you would like to get it cut. We do a $500 deposit for 1/4, $750 for an 1/2 and $1000 for a whole, and charge the remainder on the day of or before delivery. Our beef are typically 800-900 lb hanging, for a whole, so 200-225 lbs on a 1/4 and 400-450 lbs on a 1/2. Note that they are sometimes larger and sometimes smaller.

Now filling April butcher date. We’ll have meat back in mid May.

If you are comparing pricing this comes out to be about $4.25/lb (on a whole, $4.50/lb on a 1/2 or 1/4) for the animal and the cut and wrap with slaughter fee is the remainder.

Total cost is about $1000-$1400 range for a 1/4, $2100-$2600 range for a 1/2

For those that haven’t done bulk before, one a 1/2 or whole you get to select how thick your steak cuts are, your size of roasts, size of ground beef packs and there are certain cuts that can be cut into steaks or roasts, so you can go either way with those. We now have 2 options for 1/4’s as the cutting instructions need to match for our butcher for each 1/2. Here are the 1/4 options: Meat CSA Seattle Half cow Washington State Whole Cow Washington Meat Delivery Seattle

If you’re looking for a Half Beef or Half Cow in Washington State or near Seattle we would love to provide you with great tasting product to fill your freezer. We have Beef going in each month so we can do a half or quarter any time of the year. Depending on when you are looking we are usually 4-6 weeks out from having the next group going in and being cut 2 weeks after they hang. We still deliver halves, quarters and whole beef just like our smaller quantity packages. We are butchering our steers or heifers at roughly 16-18 months old. If you are searching for a half cow it will fill about 14-16 cu ft of freezer space.

With us able to do 1/4 Cow (quarter Beef or quarter cow) or 1/2 Cow (half cow or side of beef) there isn’t a need to find multiple family’s to share it with.

1/4 Beef, 1/4 Cow, 1/2 Beef, 1/2 Cow, Half Cow, Half Beef, Quarter Beef, Quarter Cow, Whole Beef, Whole Cow, in Washington, Oregon, Portland or Seattle area

Buy half a cow Washington state, half a beef Washington state. Buy half a beef Oregon, half beef Oregon.

Buy half a cow Oregon. We deliver to the Portland roughly every other month. So we are able to accommodate any 1/4, 1/2 or whole beef order if you live near Portland or Vancouver Metro. The cattle are actually closer to Portland than Seattle area. And our pasture is only about an hour 15 to the Oregon border near Hermiston. We would love to serve more Oregon customers looking to buy half a beef, half cow, or 1/4 Beef.