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Life on the Ranch: Working with Cattle


Working on a cattle ranch is both exciting and challenging. It involves many different tasks, from rounding up cows and calves to giving them necessary treatments and identifying them with tags and brands. If you want to know what it’s like to work with cattle and produce the best grass fed beef Washington State has to offer, keep reading!

Rounding Up the Cattle

One of the first tasks on the ranch is rounding up all the cows and calves. This is an important step to make sure all the cattle are healthy and taken care of. To round them up, we use quads (ATVs) and horses. Quads are fast and can cover a lot of ground quickly, but horses are great for getting into tight spots where the quads can’t go.

Rounding up cattle is a big job and takes a lot of teamwork. We spread out and move slowly, guiding the cows and calves toward the pen. It can be tricky because the cattle sometimes don’t want to go where we want them to. It takes patience and skill to get them all in one place.

Sorting Out the Cows and Calves

Once the cattle are rounded up, we have to sort the cows from the calves. This is important because some of the treatments and tasks we do are different for cows and calves. Sorting them out takes time and attention. We use gates and pens to separate them, and we have to be careful to make sure each animal goes to the right place.

Giving Vaccine Shots and Ivermectin

To keep the cattle healthy, we give them vaccine shots and ivermectin. Vaccines help prevent diseases, and ivermectin is a medicine that gets rid of parasites like worms. Giving these treatments is important for producing healthy grass fed beef Washington State residents can trust.

We give the vaccine shots with a needle and syringe. It’s important to give the right amount and to make sure each cow and calf gets their shot. Ivermectin can be given as an injection or poured on their backs.

Fly Tags and Ear Tags

Fly tags are small tags that we put in the cattle’s ears to keep flies away. Flies can be a big problem because they bother the cattle and can spread diseases. The fly tags release a chemical that keeps the flies away, helping to keep the cattle comfortable and healthy.

Ear tags are used to identify each cow and calf. Each tag has a unique number, so we can keep track of each animal. This is important for knowing their health history and for managing the herd.

Branding the Cattle

Branding is another way to identify cattle. It involves using a hot iron to put a mark on the cattle’s skin. This mark is permanent and helps identify the cattle as belonging to our ranch. Branding can be a bit scary, but it’s done quickly and carefully to minimize discomfort for the cattle.

Castrating the Bull Calves

Castrating the bull calves is an important task on the ranch. It involves removing the testicles of the young bulls, which makes them steers. Steers are easier to manage and are usually less aggressive than bulls. Castration is done carefully and quickly to ensure the calves stay healthy and grow well.

The Danger Involved

Working with cattle can be dangerous. Cows and calves can be unpredictable, and they are big animals that can cause injuries if they get scared or aggressive. It’s important to always be aware of your surroundings and to work carefully.

Using quads and horses to round up cattle also comes with risks. Quads can flip over, and horses can spook and throw their riders. Wearing the right safety gear and working as a team helps to reduce these risks.

The Reward of Producing Grass Fed Beef Washington State

Even though working with cattle is hard and sometimes dangerous, it’s very rewarding. Producing grass fed beef Washington State can be proud of means raising healthy, happy cattle in a natural environment. Grass fed beef is known for being delicious and nutritious, and knowing that our hard work helps produce such high-quality meat is very satisfying.


Life on the ranch is full of different tasks, from rounding up cattle to giving them treatments and identifying them with tags and brands. It takes time, patience, and teamwork to get it all done. Even though there are dangers involved, the reward of producing the best grass fed beef Washington State has to offer makes it all worth it. Whether you’re using quads and horses to round up the cattle or carefully giving them vaccines and tags, every task on the ranch is important for ensuring the health and well-being of the herd.
