Dry Aged Steak Package


SKU: FFBSP Categories: ,


All our beef cuts are Dry Aged for 14-21 days! There is a drastic difference in flavor from having high quality beef aged. With our Steak only package you are able to choose from 5, 8, or 10 lb quantity. We rotate through the 12 different steak cuts in proportion with the animal. When you complete checkout you will be able to select cut preferences by clicking on the “preferences” tab showing below. Once your initial order is placed your account will automatically be created and you will be logged in. We will try to include those preferences as often as possible, but we only have our animals to work with so we still have to do a rotation and can’t guarantee it will only be the preferences. As with all packages you can add ground beef, eggs or any other al a carte item to your delivery!

Seattle Beef


Organic Grass Fed Beef, Seattle, Washington and surrounding areas near me. Organic Beef & Pork delivered to your doorstep! Grass fed Beef, grain finished and dry aged 14-21 days!